we provide
If you run a new, growing or even existing game server you know how important it is to run it on fast, stable servers which are always available for your players. Downtime means players look elsewhere and for some of you it also means you lose out on income which should be going toward your server rental and other costs.
Our systems run on lightning fast M2 NVME SSD drives, spinning disks are so 2010's. We do provide a backup service which makes use of high capacity HDD's.
Host any game you like! No restrictions on player slots, addons, mods or additional software you want to run. Whatever you want to do...you can do it!
Every customer gets access to our VPS control panel where you can rebuild, customise or restart your VPS. You also have access to our firewall control panel where you can set up your game filters or port restrictions.
All our customers are able to choose and change their operating systems at any time. You will choose the OS during the setup of your VPS and you can rebuild it as often as you like.
On a VPS server you can have unlimited players.
You can host any game you wish. All you need are the server files for that game.
Our network is protected by Cosmic Guard’s DDOS protection. Customers can access our firewall control panel to fine tune your access/settings.